Confusion and Delay

I figured she was on her way home on I-19 and that Siri had autocorrected the text from I19 to 291. Around 8:00PM, Theresa called saying that she was lost and didn't know which way to go to get home. She said I just passed a sign for Ft. Huachuca/Sierra Vista. When she said that I realized that the 291 she mentioned was milepost 291. I had her pull off the road and turn on the GPS with our home address. I heard it in the background ding and say the estimated travel time was 1 hour.
She had gone 50 miles East of our home. Having made the drive to Sierra Vista many times, I knew there was a truck stop just off the interstate. I had her pull into there and wait for me to drive and pick her up. There was no way I wanted her trying to drive home. So, we put Ryan in the backseat and drove to the Loves truck stop. When I got there, she seemed to be a bit dazed and confused. We drove home and she went to bed.
At 4:00Am, her alarm went off which indicated it was medicine time. She went into the bathroom to take the medicine. Almost 50 minutes later, I noticed the light was still on and she was asleep in the bathroom. I let her stay there, figuring at least she was sleeping. When I got up at 6:30 to get ready for work, she was taking a shower. I joked, so you decided to sleep on the toilet last night. She didn't seem to know what I was talking about.
We have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow and this will be something new to report on.
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